Father Peter Heasley: Co-Chaplain
Father Peter Heasley has been the pastor of the Parish of Corpus Christi and Notre Dame, the parish on Morningside Heights, since the summer of 2022. Born in the Detroit area, he studied architecture at Syracuse University. After a two-year term with the Peace Corps in Mali, West Africa, he practiced architecture in Manhattan and Brooklyn. After much discernment, he entered the seminary. This meant two years in a philosophy program in Yonkers and four years at the North American College in Rome. He stayed in Rome for an extra year to complete a licentiate in Biblical Theology. After two years as parochial vicar of Saint John the Evangelist in Goshen, New York, he completed a doctorate in Biblical Theology at the Gregorian University in Rome. Since then, he has been an adjunct professor of Scripture at Saint Joseph’s Seminary and the pastor of Saint Michael the Archangel in the Bronx, before coming to Morningside Heights.
Father J.P. Mitchell: Co-Chaplain
Father J.P. Mitchell is from Bethesda, MD, one of 9 siblings (7 boys, 2 girls) and studied at the The Heights School in Potomac, MD. He majored in Politics at the University of Dallas and joined Opus Dei as a numerary (lay, celibate member) during his Sophomore year of college, after a semester abroad in Rome. After graduation, he moved to New York City in 2005, and taught Spanish at a Catholic High School in the Bronx (Cardinal Hayes High School). After expressing availability to the Prelate of Opus Dei to move to Rome to study for the priesthood, he moved to Rome in 2008. There, he studied Theology, earned a doctorate in Canon Law and was ordained in 2016. He moved back to the U.S. in February, 2018 and was assigned to Chicago. He lived in an Opus Dei Center and his pastoral activities were almost entirely connected with Opus Dei. He helped out at St Mary of the Angels Parish (entrusted by the Archdiocese of Chicago to Opus Dei) and also traveled to the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign every week to provide spiritual formation and direction for students who attend formation offered by Opus Dei. He also helped out at the St. John Catholic New Center by hearing Confessions and celebrating Mass on Fridays. In August, 2024, he was assigned to New York City to help in the direction and formation of young members of Opus Dei and the apostolates that they carry out in the city. He loves sports (especially golf and tennis) and reading.